Saturday, February 9, 2008

Spending time together

This morning started off with a a World Wide traning for adults on the importance of family. It was great to hear from the general authorities as they taught about how to find balance in our lives and the importance of putting family first. There was nothing new, but it was great to hear their counsel. I also was able to hear from President Monson for the first time as the new prophet. What a great man, I look forward to seeing him as our prophet.

This afternoon Dallin and I went to the Discovery Sceince museum. It was fun as we wenton a little hike, and then sae the animals and played with various exhibits. He had a nice time and it was great to see him learning and discovering new things. When we got home, Dallin, Carson and I went outside and played. Dallin and I played catch with a baseball, and Carson played on the swings. Dallin actually caught a few balls in his glove. He sure has a strong throwing arm, there were a few balls that he through a bit wildly, and I feared that they were going to hit the windows. He missed the windows, but had he hit them, it might have been bad!

This evening Megan and I went to a stake adult dinner dance. It was a nice evening, we did some dancing and enjoyed time with friends. It is always nice to get out for a bit as a couple. I wish I could dance better, reality is I just never feel comortable on the dance floor. Maybe that will improve with time!

So my take on the day is that being together is time well spent. I wish that everyday had time for quality time spent together as family. I am so grateful to have been blessed with a great mother, father and brothers. And so glad that the blessings continue with an amazing wife and two wonderful boys. I truly am blessed!

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